Bed bugs in Lebanon: never left to arrive!

Bed bugs, the blood-feeding insects, have been roaming earth for ages. They were reported in ancient civilizations like Egyptians, Greek, and Romans.

With the globalization, bed bugs were more easily transported from one country to another, thriving in periods and declining in others.

Bed bugs are one of the most notorious pests to control; their small flattened bodies make them good hiders too during the day (bed frames, electrical outlets, couches…). They become active at night when people are at sleep, to feed for few minutes on their blood. The only good news is that bed bugs are not known to transmit life-threatening diseases.

Bed bugs are not seasonal insects. Their reproduction is not affected by external factors: they are capable of reproducing whenever the conditions are favorable (one female can lie up to 500 eggs in her lifetime). However, it was noticed that they peak during August and September and that can be hypothesized to the return of people to their residents from travel and vacations. Moreover, the climate change can be a factor contributing to the development of bed bugs, as like any other insect, they seek higher temperature (optimal between 21 and 27℃)for maximum activity.

In case of suspicion or confirming the presence of bed bugs, it is crucial to call experts for help.

Call Now Entotox experts to know more and to help you prevent and treat their infestation.

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