
Bats are nocturnal, flying animals that are known for inhabiting dark and secluded locations. Depending on the species, bats can live for up to 30 years.
Bats can have Rabies which is a deadly disease that causes inflammation of the brain and sometimes death. However, bats are rarely rabid, with only less than 10 percent documented of becoming rabid. In addition to the threat of rabies, the fungi that harbor in bat droppings can cause a lung disease known as histoplasmosis. An accumulation of droppings should be professionally decontaminated and removed. Aside from affecting human health, bat droppings can also damage the home.

One bat can produce between 20-30 droppings a day. Because bats typically colonize in large groups, the number of droppings in a home can easily pile up and cause roofs to cave in. Their waste also attracts other pests like cockroaches, and the smell of their feces encourages other bats to invade the home. In addition, if an infestation develops, it is important to treat the area for bat mites and bat bugs, which will bite humans.

Contact Entotox team if an active bat infestation is suspected, as the problem often cannot be controlled without the help of a professional team with proper equipment.

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