
Some birds can cause structural damage to buildings and homes, and others can pose health threats associated with their droppings. For example, woodpeckers are known to peck at buildings, siding, metal and air conditioners, while soil enriched with starling droppings can lead to diseases. These factors make bird pest control and removal essential for businesses and homeowners alike.


Pigeons are filthy birds, causing disease and damage. They are dependent on humans to provide them with food, roosting and nesting sites. They are commonly found around agricultural areas as well as warehouses, feed mills, and grain elevators. They are also commonly found in cities around parks, buildings, bridges, and any other structures. Their droppings are known for triggering human slips and falls, as well as accelerating the aging of structures and statues. This makes it imperative to get rid of pigeons in highly trafficked areas. More seriously, pigeons may carry diseases such as cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonella,… Also, their droppings may harbor the growth of fungus, which causes diseases too. Other pests may live on these birds, including fleas, lice, mites, ticks, and more. Pests may also infest nests such as stored product pests.

If you discover pigeons roosting on your property, contact Entotox professional team immediately to discuss a proper course of pigeon control.

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