house spiders prevention and extermination plan, entotox public health


Spider control and extermination can be a major concern for homeowners. There are thousands of species of spiders throughout the world, but the good news is that few who live around can cause serious harm when accidentally disturbed – mainly the black widow spider and brown recluse spider.

The common house spider gets its name from the fact that it is usually the spider most often encountered indoors. It is a nuisance pest, probably more because of its webs than the spider itself. The house spider is found worldwide.

Female house spiders lay about 250 eggs in a silken sac that is brownish in color and round in shape. There may be more than one sac in the web at a time. A female house spider may produce up to 17 sacs, containing a total of more than 3,760 eggs, in her lifetime. The eggs hatch in about 7-10 days. Adults may live for a year or more.

To prevent common house spiders from entering the home, seal cracks around the outside of the house using a silicone-based caulk. Also, screen windows and doors. If you find a house spider inside, you can get rid of it by using a vacuum to remove adults, egg sacs and webs.

House spiders are not known to bite but may do so in threatening situations, such as when they are being crushed. While house spider bites are typically not medically threatening, it is important to seek medical attention in the event of severe swelling, lesions or headaches.

Contact Entotox office in your region for pest management and extermination plan.

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