Silverfish prefer starchy material like papers, cardboards, and even glue. They do not bite nor spread diseases, but are known for the structural damage and food spoilage.

Lepismasaccharinum, or most commonly the silverfish, are tiny insects found all over the world. Their oval-shaped silver bodies covered with scales and their movement granted them the name.

It is crucial to differentiate the silverfish from the common cloth moths, although the silverfish can feed on fabrics in some occasions.

Tips preventing silverfish infestation:

  • Reducing humidity (placement of dehumidifier, active ventilation, fixing leaking pipes…).
  • Checking basements and attics regularly.
  • Avoiding piles and stacks of cardboards and papers (especially in humid environments).
  • Preserving food in tightly sealed containers.
  • Caulking and sealing all cracks and crevices to prevent harborage.
  • Using screens on open windows and doors.
  • Vacuum cleaning regularly.

In case of suspicion or confirming the presence of silverfish, it is crucial to call experts for help.

Call Now Entotox experts to know more and to help you prevent and/or treat Silverfish infestation.

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